The X Waiver Is Officially Dead

But now, doctors will have to take substance use disorder training to get their DEA license. The Biden administration’s recent spending bill contained under-the-radar changes for addiction medicine, including eliminating the X waiver requirement for clinicians who treat opioid use disorder with medication-assisted treatment (MAT).


Misunderstanding COVID Pandemic Law Waivers May Put Your Practice at Risk

Since the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, we have seen the introduction of new regulations that apply to healthcare entities — and a relaxing of others. While some COVID-era changes may permanently remain in place, such as rules related to telemedicine, others are temporary or may have already ended. Healthcare providers need to be alert for temporary changes that are coming to an end and need to also confirm that they have properly understood any waivers or changes in the law on which they previously relied.



Abortion Guidelines

Abortion Guidelines for Oklahoma osteopathic physicians were approved by the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners at its September 15, 2022, Special Board Meeting.


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More DOs Join Physician Ranks as Osteopathic Pipeline Heats Up

The number of doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) is enjoying a significant growth pattern. This year alone, 7300 osteopathic physicians are entering the workforce, and they make up more than 25% of the medical student population. The pipeline of future DOs is at an all-time high of 36,500 students, according to the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).



Putting the DO-MD Debate to Bed for Good

During a September 2021 interview on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, comedian Hasan Minhaj referred to doctors of osteopathic medicine, or DOs, as “off-brand doctors” compared with their MD counterparts. The medical community — MDs and DOs alike — hit back.


2022 Osteopathic Medical Profession (OMP) Report

News from the AOA:

The AOA is pleased to share the American Osteopathic Association’s 2022 Osteopathic Medical Profession (OMP) Report. The report updates yearly progress toward the advancement of the osteopathic profession within the AOA and the broader medical community.