Community Grants

The Osteopathic Founders Foundation represents the osteopathic profession through its charitable work in the community. The Foundation is committed to improving the health of Tulsa and surrounding areas of northeastern Oklahoma through support of projects consistent with the osteopathic philosophy and with the mission of the Foundation. Our intention is to invest in communities within northeastern Oklahoma with small grants, not exceeding $5,000.

The Foundation accepts applications from organizations determined to be tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Grant applications from individuals are not accepted. We will consider requests for sponsorships of special events in limited circumstances, however neither direct mail nor telemarketing solicitations will be considered.

Working through the grant application portal below, applicants should provide a brief explanation of how the funds would be used. The cover letter should provide a brief explanation of the program in need of funds, including an explanation of its importance to the improved health of the community and a clear statement of expected outcomes. A budget for the program in which you are requesting support and organization logo are also required. We request that all funding requests and supporting documents be submitted electronically through the application. Applications may be submitted at any time as there is no general deadline for submission. Updates for specific meeting submission deadlines will be posted below.

Please note that the request should focus on projects related to direct client outcomes. Requests for capital campaigns or capital improvements will not be considered.

If we determine initially that the proposed project would fall within our granting parameters, and that it is a project in which our trustees have an interest, we may request additional information as needed from the applicant. The Charitable Gifts Committee generally awards grants twice per year, in spring and fall. If funding allows, there may be a third meeting scheduled during the winter.

Funding is available to organizations only once during a calendar year and preference is given to those organizations invited to apply. Organizations who receive funding will need to furnish a complete report on the manner in which the funds were spent. This report must be received before a new application will be considered.

Documents Needed:

  • Completed Grant Application  (link provided below)
  • Cover Letter  (PDF format)
  • Program Budget  (PDF format)
  • Organization Logo  (jpg or png format)
  • Additional Supporting Documents, optional


The Osteopathic Founders Foundation has determined that the focus of its grant-making in 2024 will remain focused on addressing food insecurity for vulnerable Oklahomans. Special attention will be given to organizations who serve people who are economically disadvantaged, the elderly, children, persons with disabilities, pregnant and parenting women, and justice involved men and women.

Funding will also be available to support the provision of primary health care services for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Wrap around services critical to that healthcare will also be considered.

Our intention is to invest in communities within northeastern Oklahoma. Funding is available to organizations only once during a calendar year and preference is given to those organizations invited to apply. Allocations will be made in the spring and fall, and in some years an additional allocation before the end of the year.

Also note that at this time, requests for event sponsorship are not being considered.

Please know that, in no way, does this minimize our respect for the important work of your organization and we hope that as our recovery continues our funding opportunities will broaden again.

Applications received after 08/04/2024 will be reviewed at the Winter 2024 or Spring 2025 meeting.


Please click HERE to complete an application.

Past Grant Recipients

Click on a logo to be directed to their website.

Osteopathic Founders Foundation

8801 South Yale Ave., Suite 400 | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74137 | P (918) 551-7300 | F (918) 551-7336
